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Insights and execution

Our core service lines offer clients the business services that no organization can do without; Auditing, Accounting advice, Tax planning, Statutory compliance and Cost control services. In addition to the typical services you will find C. R. Sagdeo & Co. also offers advice and assistance in compensation design, system analysis, M & A planning and much more.

Industry specifics

Whether you are in banking or logistics, infrastructure or food products, an understanding of the specifics of doing business in your industry are key to your future. It’s not simply a matter of where your sector is today and where it is heading. You have got to be able to answer questions, such as : How do the Accounting Standards affect the company? What are its benchmarks of operational, financial, and competitive excellence? What is the impact of regulation, globalization and consolidation? How will product life cycles, capital markets, technology or politics and economics affect the future?


Taking an issues-oriented approach means that we listen to what clients say about their most pressing challenges (e.g. taxation matters, globalization or increased competition), their industry issues (e. g. Chinese dumping or fraudulent goods), and their own operations (e. reorganization or tax exemptions). This allows us to help them meet their objectives (e.g., growth, enhanced profitability or survival).

Backed by knowledge

Behind everything we do through every service, in every industry we use our knowledge management capabilities to assure faster, higher quality service delivery. We continuously upgrade ourselves to deliver new insights and ideas, for the benefit of our clients.

Standards and ability

There are two things clients can count on from the services they receive from C. R. Sagdeo & Co; high professional standards and the ability to deliver our services effectively.